Bridge Mix: The Bridge Cartoons of Charles M. Schulz (color edition)

From the mind of Charles M. Schulz, the world’s most beloved cartoonist, comes these funny looks at the game of Bridge. The game, the culture, and the very human foibles of those who play it all come under his masterful attention, with over sixty cartoons in full color.
Charles Schulz was a player of various types of bridge over the years, and he included it in his famous comic strip. In the late 1950s, he set out to launch a new strip just about bridge and the people who played it. While the plan for the strip (called “It’s Only a Game”) eventually expanded to include other games and leisure activities, Schulz still made sure to include at least one cartoon each week about bridge, and those are all collected here, in this one volume, in color!

  • Paperback : 72 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996174
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996173
  • Dimensions : 5 x 8 inches

Miss Caroline: the Complete Camelot Collection

written by Gerald Gardner
drawn by Frank Johnson

The year was 1963. The Kennedy clan inhabited the White House, capturing the imagination of the Nation. JFK inspired the nation’s dreams. Jackie inspired the nation’s fashion. And young Miss Caroline Kennedy inspired a book of cartoons that found the humor in both White House life and in being the next generation in a dynasty.This edition collects, for the first time, all of the Miss Caroline cartoons that saw print, either in the book or in the strip’s brief newspaper run, all written by Gerald Gardner, a screenwriter on such hilarious series as Get Smart and The Monkees, and writer of the best-selling “Who’s In Charge Here?” photofunny books and drawn by Frank Johnson of “Boner’s Ark.”

  • Paperback : 135 pages, 5.25″x8″
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996271
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996272

Order it from Amazon! (Or ask your favorite independent bookseller to order it for you.)

Lots of Fun in Church

A reverend and a cartoonist team up to take a loving look at the fun, frolic, and foibles of people in the pews and at the pulpit!

Father Henry C. Beck was a newspaperman, a mystery novelist, and a noted New Jersey folklorist as well as a the rector of the Calvary Episcopal Church in Flemington, NJ. He served as an idea man, while W. Bolte Gibson, who did cartooning for everyone from Campbell’s Soup to The Polio Chronicle, contributed his own ideas and all of the art.

First published in the 1950s, these cartoons are both a portrait of their time and an example of how some truths are eternal. This contains all the cartoons that were in the books Fun In Church, More Fun In Church, and Lapses In The Apses – over 170 cartoons in all!

  • Paperback: 179 pages
  • ISBN-10: 1949996077
  • ISBN-13: 978-1949996074
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches

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The Blank Comic Strip Panelbook – Basic, 7″x7″, 127 pages

The BlankTM Comic Strip Panelbook is a simple sketchbook for drawing daily-format comic strips, with four square panels on each page. Intend as a sketch-and-concept book, this handy volume will hold months worth of daily strip concepts.

(Please note: this book is not intended for final artwork, and the paper is neither archival nor acid-free.)

List Price: $7.99
7″ x 7″ (17.78 x 17.78 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
128 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1979107532
ISBN-10: 197910753X


Bridge Mix: the Bridge cartoons of Charles M. Schulz

by Charles M. Schulz with Jim Sasseville

bridgemixFrom the mind of Charles M. Schulz, the world’s most beloved cartoonist, comes these funny looks at the game of Bridge. The game, the culture, and the very human foibles of those who play it all come under his masterful attention.

List Price: $8.99
5″ x 8″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
64 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1936404254
ISBN-10: 1936404257
BISAC: Games / Card Games / Bridge
Order Bridge Mix from Amazon!

Small World

smallworldby Sam Brier

Is this oddball 1950s comic strip about little kids pretending to be grown up, or is it about grown ups who look like little kids? That’s for you to decide! Back in print for the first time in half a century, it’s Sam Brier’s “Small World”!

List Price: $7.99
6″ x 6″ (15.24 x 15.24 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
128 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1477477717
ISBN-10: 1477477713
BISAC: Comics & Graphic Novels / General
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It’s Only a Game – Color Edition

it's only a game color editionby Charles M. Schulz with Jim Sasseville

In the late 1950s, amidst the surging popularity of Peanuts and during a strongly creative period, Charles M. Schulz created his only other syndicated newspaper comic. It’s Only a Game focused on the fun and foibles of people and their pastimes. Schulz targets those who play bridge and those who bowl, little leaguers and horse track regulars, those who rush across the gridiron and those who hunch over the chessboard. This full-color collection offers up the series in its full Sunday format. Commentary and insight are provided by artist and cartoonist Jim Sasseville, who worked with Schulz on the feature.

To facilitate the best display of the art, this book is in a special format: the pages flip up like a calendar, rather than to the left like a regular book. For those readers used to the Sunday newspaper funnies, this makes for a familiar and comfortable reading experience.

List Price: $17.99
8.5″ x 11″ (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Full Color on White paper
64 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1490927541
ISBN-10: 1490927549
BISAC: Comics & Graphic Novels / General