For anyone who makes comics or wants to, here is a collection of sample scripts from some of the best and brightest folks in the comic book business. Includes a Marvel-style plot from Cyborg creator Marv Wolfman, full scripts from Neil Gaiman (Miracleman), Kurt Busiek (Astro City), Trina Robbins, Nat Gertler (including the finished art by Steve Lieber), Greg Rucka (Whiteout), Dwayne McDuffie (Deathlok), and Kevin Smith (Jay & Silent Bob). Plus a drawn script by Jeff Smith for his Bone tie-in series Rose! Each script is introduced either by the writer or by About Comics publisher Nat Gertler.
- Anything you’ve ever wanted to know about comic scriptwriting is in here – Savant
- It’s an attractive package put together by comics writer Nat Gertler, and it’s welcome, indeed. GRADE: A – Comics Buyer’s Guide
- There aren’t many books that pass for “invaluable references” in our field, but this qualifies. – Steven Grant, writer of Two Guns
- The book is fantastic, containing actual scripts in their purest form. Even if you’re not a comic book person, you’ll learn a lot and be entertained… There’s a lovely feeling of peeking backstage that you get with these scripts. – Jane Espenson, consulting producer and writer, Once Upon a Time; writer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Battlestar Galactica
List price: $19.95
Paperback: 200 pages
ISBN-10: 0971633800
ISBN-13: 978-0971633803
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
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