The Family Car Road Trip

The 1950s and ‘60s were the classic era of the American road trip. With cars having become ubiquetous and airfare still unaffordable, we took our vacations in our sedans and station wagons. We traveled endless stretches of asphalt during the day by following the lines on awkwardly-folded maps or AAA Triptiks. We squeezed intogether each night at motels, motor lodges, and campsites at night. The travel time was filled with license plate games and back seat battles, with stops for gas, service station bathroom breaks, natural wonders, bizarre roadside attractions, and if you were lucky, a pecan log.

Wally Falk was there to chronicle it all. A former bus driver, he knew the nation’s roadways like few others. His daily syndicated comic panel The Family Car chronicled our love for and struggles with our vehicles and our destinations. Here is the first collection ever from that series, focusing on those family trips and the adventures of the open road.

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  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 107 pages, 5.25 x 8 inches
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1949996751
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1949996753

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Aunt’s in Your Pants: Memoirs of a Dirty Old Woman

The great Sergio Aragonés, during the early years of his fifty-plus-and-still-counting career at Mad Magazine, also created this book of cartoons focused on a female sexual predator, a woman who does not let things like appropriateness and consent get in her way.

Half a century since this book last saw print, it’s now available again, unexpurgated, in this enlarged size.

  • LanguageEnglish
  • Paperback51 pages
  • ISBN-101949996131
  • ISBN-13978-1949996135
  • Dimensions8 x 0.13 x 8 inches

Available from Amazon in print and for Kindle

Titia é Soda: Memórias de uma Velha Assanhada

O grande Sergio Aragonés, nos primeiros anos de sua carreira de mais de 50 anos e ainda contando na Revista Mad, também criou esse livro de cartoons focados em uma predadora sexual, uma mulher que não deixa coisas como adequação e consentimento ficarem em seu caminho. Meio século desde a primeira impressão desse livro, ele está disponível pela primeira vez em português, sem censura, nessa edição ampliada.Título original em Inglês: Aunt’s in Your Pants

  • Language: : Portuguese
  • Paperback : 51 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996212
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996210
  • Dimensions : 8 x 8 inches

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Cougar à toi!: Mémoires d’une vieille cochonne

Le grand Sergio Aragonés, au début de la cinquantaine-et-pas-fini-de-compter d’années de carrière à Mad Magazine, a aussi créé ce livre de gags centrés sur une femme prédatrice sexuelle, une femme qui ne laisse pas des détails comme la pertinence et le consentement se mettre en travers de son chemin. Un demi-siècle après que ce livre ait vu le jour, il est maintenant disponible pour la première fois en français, sans coupure, dans cette édition augmentée.Titre anglais (USA) originel : Aunt’s in Your Pants

  • Paperback : 51 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996190
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996197
  • Dimensions : 8 x 0.13 x 8 inches

Available on Amazon!

Gallina vieja hace buen caldo: Recuerdos de una viejita libidinosa

(Aunt’s in Your Pants in Spanish)

El gran Sergio Aragonés, en sus primeros años de sus-más-de-cincuenta-y-contando de su muy fructífera carrera en la revista MAD, también se dio el tiempo para crear esta colección de caricaturas enfocadas en una muy singular depredadora sexual, una mujer que no permite que nimiedades como el pundonor o el consentimiento se interpongan en su camino. Medio siglo ha pasado desde que este libro vio la luz, ahora disponible en español por vez primera y en su edición original sin censura, en esta edición ampliada.Título original en inglés: Aunt’s in Your Pants

  • Paperback : 51 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996204
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996203
  • Dimensions : 8 x 8 inches

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Grannys Tagebuch: Erinnerungen einer unanständigen alten Lady

(Aunt’s in Your Pants in German)

Der große Sergio Aragonés hat zu Beginn seiner mehr als fünfzigjährigen Karriere beim amerikanischen MAD-Magazin auch diese Cartoonsammlung geschaffen, die das Leben einer etwas in die Jahre gekommenen Draufgängerin nachzeichnet, die ihre ganz eigene Definition von Anstand und Würde hat. Nun, nach einem halben Jahrhundert, ist dieses Buch zum ersten Mal auf Deutsch erhältlich, ungekürzt, in dieser großformatigen Neuausgabe.

  • Language: : German
  • Paperback : 51 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996182
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996180
  • Dimensions : 8 x 0.13 x 8 inches

Available on Amazon!

My Favorite Funny Story

Everyone has a funny story, an anecdote they like to whip out when it’s time to amuse. Here are some of the reminiscences, self-mythologizations, and gags spun by some of the 20th century’s most significant figures. Inside are the tales told by everyone from Pope John XXIII to Groucho Marx, John F. Kennedy to Yogi Berra, Albert Einstein to John Lennon. With about two hundred lively bits of humor, accompanied by dozens of Al Kilgore’s great caricatures, there’s a laugh any time you need one.Bill Adler was a genius of the book field, creating best sellers ranging from The Kennedy Wit to Who Killed the Robbins Family?

Al Kilgore was a lifelong cartoonist and caricaturist best known for his “Rocky & Bullwinkle” comic strip.

Miss Caroline: the Complete Camelot Collection

written by Gerald Gardner
drawn by Frank Johnson

The year was 1963. The Kennedy clan inhabited the White House, capturing the imagination of the Nation. JFK inspired the nation’s dreams. Jackie inspired the nation’s fashion. And young Miss Caroline Kennedy inspired a book of cartoons that found the humor in both White House life and in being the next generation in a dynasty.This edition collects, for the first time, all of the Miss Caroline cartoons that saw print, either in the book or in the strip’s brief newspaper run, all written by Gerald Gardner, a screenwriter on such hilarious series as Get Smart and The Monkees, and writer of the best-selling “Who’s In Charge Here?” photofunny books and drawn by Frank Johnson of “Boner’s Ark.”

  • Paperback : 135 pages, 5.25″x8″
  • ISBN-10 : 1949996271
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1949996272

Order it from Amazon! (Or ask your favorite independent bookseller to order it for you.)

Alley Whoops!

From the creator of The Little Friar, Golden Age great Hal Sherman, comes this original set of cartoons about the most respectable sport you can play between sips of beer, bowling! Over 100 original gag cartoons in this volume that first appeared in 1962, brought back to print after half a century of being unavailable.

  • Paperback: 127 pages
  • ISBN-10: 194999614X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1949996142
  • Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 0.3 x 6.2 inches

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The Negro Motorist Green Book Compendium

Four different editions of the Green Book under a single cover!

During the dangerous days of Jim Crow segregation, it was difficult to be an African-American traveler, as hotels that would take you or restaurants that would serve you were few and far between. This was addressed by The Negro Motorist Green Book, an annual listing of lodging, diners, gas stations, and other businesses that could handle the needs of the Black customer. Created in 1936 by Harlem-based postman Victor H. Green, the Green Book served the public until after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s ended legal segregation.

Original copies of the Green Book are now museum pieces, but in this book you can see all the articles, all the ads, and all the listings from four editions of the Green Book, one for each decade in which the series was published. The Negro Motorist Green Book of 1938 is an early example, covering only the states east of the Mississippi River, but also presenting articles on “The Automobile and What It Has Done for the American Negro” as well as driving tips.

By 1947, the Negro Motorist Green Book had listings for 45 of the 48 states that then existed (there was nothing for Nevada, New Hampshire, or North Dakota), and that also included directories of the Negro colleges and newspapers of the day, as well as a look at the current models from Ford and GM, and some notes on automotive design of the future.

By 1954, the title had changed to The Negro Travelers’ Green Book, and the volume includes an article on the highlights of San Francisco (which was “fast becoming the focal point of the Negroes’ future”) and tourist guides to New York City and Bermuda. Finally, the Travelers’ Green Book for 1963 through 1964 leads off with a state-by-state listings of rights against “jimcro” (Jim Crow segregation), plus it has “Guide Posts for a Pleasant Trip,” a couple of cartoon-illustrated sidebars on Black history-makers, a listing of major league ballparks, and other useful items for the traveler. And all of it reproduced at about 50% larger than the original size, for easier reading.

Reprints of the Green Book published by About Comics have gotten coverage by Newsweek, the Guardian, and BBC News, and more. They are carried by major museums, and have been used by TV and film. Now you can get four editions in one convenient volume, and see why the New York Times called the Green Book a “beacon for Black travelers.”

  • Paperback: 313 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1949996069
  • ISBN-13: 978-1949996067
  • Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.7 x 9.6 inches